Mississippi Press Foundation

The Mississippi Press Foundation was established in 1983 to foster journalism education at in-state colleges and universities, as well as provide internships and scholarships for Mississippi journalism students.

Grants for Services

State institutions of higher learning apply for grants up to $15,000 for resources to enhance their journalism programs. In recent years, these grants have funded student reporting trips from the University of Mississippi School of Journalism and New Media to member newspapers across the state.

Download a cover letter explaining the criteria and process for application.


Two scholarships are available each academic year to students majoring in journalism; $1,000 per semester, up to $8,000, if continued until a bachelor’s degree is completed.

Prospective applicants should contact Member Services Director Monica Gilmer for more information.


We provide stipends in the amount of $150 weekly for up to 10 weeks to approved newspapers for the employment of interns in 15 communities each summer. Newspapers agree to employ interns at a living wage, while the stipend helps offset tuition or housing costs. Newspaper application deadlines fall on May 1 each year. Interested students may fill out a candidate profile to return to MPAEF. For more information, speak with your adviser or contact Member Services Director Monica Gilmer.

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ARKANSAS • MISSISSIPPI •TENNESSEE June 26-28, 2025 | Memphis Hilton SAVE THE DATE! Newspaper media professionals will return to the Memphis in 2025 for the Tri-State Press …

Celebrity Roast

Held each winter, it’s an evening of laughter and entertainment as a noted Mississippian is “roasted” by peers, family and friends. Past honorees have included Mississippi Sen. Trent Lott, Gov. Haley Barbour, former journalist Sid Salter, and the late retired Congressman G.V. “Sonny” Montgomery. Proceeds are used for internships and other projects in support of journalism education in Mississippi.

McDavid Summit

Underwritten by a generous contribution from the family of longtime journalist and craftsman O.C. McDavid in his memory, the conference is held each spring to engage college students in a learning experience emphasizing journalism, coverage of lifestyles and the arts.

Student Reporting Expeditions

A project of the School of Journalism and New Media at the University of Mississippi, faculty-led student reporting trips to MPA member newspapers provide real-world experience to j-school majors while resulting in useful copy and art for publication. About half a dozen trips are funded by the Foundation per academic year.

Better Newspaper Contest

Held each spring, student papers compete in the Better Newspaper Contest by submitting entries from their work during the past year. Awards are presented at the O.C. McDavid Conference.

Silent Auction

Held in conjunction with MPA’s annual summer meeting, this event offers donated items for auction by written bid. Proceeds are used for internships and other projects in support of journalism education in Mississippi.

Overby Institute

Held annually for high school journalism teachers, the Institute is funded by the Charles and Andrea Overby Journalism Fund. The camp is administered by the Mississippi Scholastic Press Association on the campus of the University of Mississippi at Oxford.