Ever since the approval of medical marijuana in the state and the advent of CBD and related hemp-infused products for sale in the state, Mississippi Press' general counsel has advised members steer clear of advertising related to the products.
Regulations are now clear-cut for medical marijuana, but remain somewhat less obvious pertaining to CBD products.
"'Can I run this ad for CBD products?' is the single most frequently answered question these days we handle at MPA," wrote Mississippi Press Executive Director
Layne Bruce in a memo to members earlier this year. "In earlier days, these questions were invariably about tobacco products, liquor, and gaming. But times have changed, and now medical marijuana and CBD-based products lead the pack. And while the answer on tobacco, liquor, and casinos is yes you can, it's unfortunately more complicated for CBD and medical marijuana."
Members who have questions or concerns about advertising of any nature are encouraged to reach out to the MPA Hotline for a free review from general counsel
Donna Jacobs of Butler Snow. Simply send an email to
hotline@mspress.org or call 601-981-3060 ext. 4.