Fourth Estate Newsletter
MPA's monthly bulletin serves as the official publication for the Association. Each issue contains the latest headlines relevant to and about the newspaper industry in our state, member news and columns on reporting, advertising sales, legal issues and technology topics.


CLICK HERE to the read the latest issue.


Media Directory
Our Mississippi Newspaper and Media Directory is the most comprehensive publication available on the newspaper trade and medium in our state, providing a wealth of information on personnel, contact information and other date on member papers. It also includes demographics by county, a handy newspaper locator map, and a detailed listing of Associate Members. Members are provided a complimentary copy of the directory.


CLICK HERE for more information or to order a copy.


Public Notice: American Tradition

Public notices are legally mandated publications that contain information alerting citizens of government or government-related activities that may cause a citizen to take action. For centuries published in local newspapers, public notices may take on many forms. Most public notices provide information about government activities and are designed to alert the public and provide an opportunity for the public to comment.


VISIT our statewide public notice website
DOWNLOAD a copy of the helpful booklet "Public Notice: American Tradition"

READ the Mississippi Code section governing public notice advertising


Mississippi Reader Engagement Survey
Conducted by Coda Ventures of Nashville and commissioned by MPA, the 2023 Mississippi Reader Engagement Survey is a comprehensive report on how – and how many – Mississippians read newspapers and consume media content across platforms.


CLICK HERE to read more.

Newspaper Disaster Plan
Created in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, the Newspaper Disaster Plan is a detailed checklist useful in planning and responding to crises —natural, technological or legal in nature.


CLICK HERE to download a copy.

Synopsis of Public Notice Fees
Prepared by MPA's general counsel team at the firm of Butler Snow, Jackson, MS, the Synopsis is a detailed listing of fees allowed by state law to be charged for public notice (legal) advertising.


CLICK HERE to request a copy (Members only).

Elections & Advertising
Another valuable document prepared by MPA's general counsel team, this handy reference guide summarizes election laws in Mississippi as they pertain to advertising in newspapers. Common questions regarding what is allowable and what is required by law are covered in the document.


CLICK HERE to request a copy (Members only).

Advertising FAQs
We've prepared a brief, one-page fact sheet about what is – and is not – allowed for advertising in four categories about which member newspapers make the most frequent inquiries.


CLICK HERE to request a copy (Members only).

Monica Gilmer, member services manager
Mississippi Press Association
601-981-3060 ext. 2